set terminal png size 2600,500 #set terminal png size 1920,500 #set terminal png size 800,150 set output "better.png" set datafile separator "," set xlabel "Frequency (Mhz)" set ylabel "Arbitrary Power (dB)" set grid set xtics 100 set key off set title "54-1100 Mhz RTLSDR w/E4000 tuner on Discone" set pointsize 0.5 # The one below is best so far plot './sorted_54-1100_1s.csv' using 1:2 with linespoints pt 6 lc 3 # The one above is best so far #plot './sorted_54-370.cvs' using 1:2 with dots lc 3 #plot './sorted_54-1100.csv' using 1:2 with lines lt 6 lc 3 #set palette defined (-45 "black", -43 "blue", -40 "green", -35 "yellow", -25 "red", -10 "purple") #set palette defined (-35 "black", -30 "blue", -25 "green", -20 "yellow", -15 "red", -10 "purple") #set cbrange [-45:20] #unset colorbox #plot './sorted_1300-2200_500ms.csv' using 1:2:(column(2)) with lines lt palette #plot './sorted_54-370.cvs' using 1:2:(column(2)) with points palette #plot './sorted_54-1100.csv' using 1:2:(column(2)) with dots lt palette #plot './sorted_54-1100.csv' using 1:2 with histeps #set cbrange [-50:30] #unset colorbox #plot './sorted_54-1100_500ms.csv' using 1:2 with linespoints pt 6 palette